Proposal to Secretary of State to protect Afghan and Iraqi Women and Girls who have suffered severe gender-based violence.
Sherizaan Minwallah, Iraq based lawyer Neha Gill, Executive Director Apna Ghar, Inc. July 2021 |
Trauma Dignity and Restoration: How the State of Illinois' Crime Victim Compensation Program Can Help Heal Crime Survivors and Communities
Advocates and Survivors of Crime Victim Compensation Reform December 12, 2019 |
Change is Possible: An Enhanced Model of Supervised Visitation for Families Impacted by Domestic Violence
Inspire Action for Social Change December 4, 2017 |
Radical Caring in an Ethnic Shelter: South Asian American Women Workers at Apna Ghar, Chicago
Sharmila Rudrappa, University of Texas October 2004 |
Providing a Way Station: A Study of the Joint Apna Ghar - The Enterprising Kitchen Program to Provide Employment Services to Immigrant Women Victims of Domestic Violence
Loyola University Chicago, Center for Urban Research and Learning September 5, 2002 |
Transcending Boundaries: Investigating Domestic Violence Among South Asian Immigrant Women
Loyola University Chicago, Center for Urban Research and Learning March 1, 2002 |
Ethnic Chicago: A Multicultural Portrait
Melvin Holli, Peter d'Alroy Jones, Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing May 19, 1995 |